I think it may be time for me to stop playing EL for a while!
I may be back, or I may not be.... :'(
Tuesday, 26 April 2011
Monday, 25 April 2011
1K Magic Imunnity Essence
Thanks, to a certain someone using Life Drain to kill me, I am making 1K Energy Essence, 2K Magic Essence.
Stuff Needed
2200 Emerald
2200 Lilacs
2200 Impatiens
1200 Iron Ore
1200 Silver Ore
1200 Tiger Lilly
2K Magic Essence
1K Energy Essence
Stuff Needed
Sunday, 24 April 2011
Been Busy!
Well, recently I have been training A/D quite hard, so I don't get killed so easily by, a certain player and others, also I aimed to get capped A/D eventually so this help's that target.
I have been moving around alot aswell from mates house, back home and so on, so haven't really been posting here, also theres not really a lot to say here until I start doing projects again, so I think the blog will be quiet for a while, but hey! lets hope for the best and not keep it shhh here for too long!
I have been moving around alot aswell from mates house, back home and so on, so haven't really been posting here, also theres not really a lot to say here until I start doing projects again, so I think the blog will be quiet for a while, but hey! lets hope for the best and not keep it shhh here for too long!
Sunday, 17 April 2011
I've Begun Mixing + A/D Training!
Well, I have begun mixing my LE and made 1 ELE so far, will keep mixing till I have no ings left ;)
Over the past few day's I've been training A/D ALOT thanks to one certain player who keeps killing me, I have moved on from female orcs' to orge's in under 3 days!
Over the past few day's I've been training A/D ALOT thanks to one certain player who keeps killing me, I have moved on from female orcs' to orge's in under 3 days!
Thursday, 31 March 2011
15K Life Essence
Well, my plan to get a good summoning level will make sure my Alchemy (mixing LE) A/D (Gathering critter/mob drops) Potioning (SRS/Mana Pots) will always be getting exp, and also it will help me stay protected against the few pker's we have but will also give me a chance to pose a slight threat (once high enough level) it will also become a good source of GC's from selling stones to a npc (again once high enough level).
Ok well my 1st mixing job for summoning is 15K life essence to get me well on my way to highish level's
Silver Ore (16500/16500)
Sunflower (33000/33000)
Fruit (5775/5775)
Mix Life Essence (15000)
Ok well my 1st mixing job for summoning is 15K life essence to get me well on my way to highish level's
Silver Ore (16500/16500)
Sunflower (33000/33000)
Fruit (5775/5775)
Mix Life Essence (15000)
Monday, 28 March 2011
4K Mana Pot's
Well, I completed the wine quest, then brought 4K wine, and mixed 4K mana potions + 3 Potion of extra mana (rare). It took me to level 20 Potioning!
Monday, 14 March 2011
Mixing 5K FE
Well, tonight I begun Mixing the 5K Fire Essence (YN) Fingers crossed for another Enriched Fire Essence!
Sunday, 13 March 2011
Donated a Brick!
Well I brought a rosto 5000GC's from Canned and used it to complete the Church Donator Quest.
You advanced to level 16 of magic!
You advanced to level 13 of engineering!
You advanced to level 13 of tailoring!
You advanced to level 16 of magic!
You advanced to level 13 of engineering!
You advanced to level 13 of tailoring!
5KGC's for them levels two from 0 isn't that bad I suppose!
And Radu's happy ;)
5K Fire Ess
Well, I need to harvest 5K FE Ingredients (5000 Sulphur, 5000 Red Rose, 5000 Red Snap Dragons, 250 Fruit)
And then mix 4841 FE to take the ammount in my storage to 10K.
10000 Health Essence Mixed!
Well, after harvesting and mixing for just under a week, I have finally finished my 10K Health Essence project,
this was a good one for the levels as I gained almost 10 Alch Levels from 32 to 41 (22988 Exp to go)
Well its been a long project but worth every minute of it!
this was a good one for the levels as I gained almost 10 Alch Levels from 32 to 41 (22988 Exp to go)
Invasion #3
Well, I spent a bit of my night tonight killing Goblins, Large Spiders and A few other critters, I got a 10K GC Drop and my 1st invasion token!
I gained 1 Attack level!
I gained 1 Attack level!
And 1 OA!
Thursday, 10 March 2011
To Do List!
10000 - Health Essence
(10000 Chrysanthemum - 20000 Silver Ore - 4000 Fruit)
4841 - Fire Essence
(5000 Sulphur - 5000 Red Rose - 5000 Red Snap Dragons - 250 Fruit)
120000 Bones
10000 Vegetables
52000 Fruit
20000 Silver Ore
40000 Swamp Candles
20000 Beaver Fur
24000 Vials
Wednesday, 9 March 2011
Easy Money!
Spent 20K GC's on 40K Flowers, to haul to flower shop and gain a net profit of 20KGC's when I have the time to haul them!
Thanks Bkc56!
40K in Storage at the moment
Hauled them all to the flower shop!
Thanks Bkc56!
Hauled them all to the flower shop!
[PM from bkc56: and build up huge stocks of harvestables and ess that you'll need in the future.]
10000 - Health Essence(10000 Chrysanthemum - 20000 Silver Ore - 4000 Fruit)
[PM from bkc56: Iron, Silver, perhaps Gold, FEs, HEs.]
[PM from bkc56: well huge to you is probably 10K. To me it's 100K.]
A Just Average Storage:
10000 Silver Ore
10000 Iron Ore
10000 Gold Ore
10000 Fire Essence
10000 Health Essence
2329 Silver Ore
185 Iron Ore
5159 Fire Essence
46 Health Essence
200 Life Essence
3959 Matter Essence
So there's my next aim to have my storage looking average with a small stockpile of basic items that everyone needs.
Time to get harvesting.
And mixing.
To Make
4841 - Fire Essence
(5000 Sulphur - 5000 Red Rose - 5000 Red Snap Dragons - 250 Fruit)
Tuesday, 8 March 2011
Invasion #2
Well, I took part in my 2nd invasion of the PK Server.
This was great fun, gave me 31/32 A/D 45 OA 9 Magic
I found a Antisocial Removal Stone.
And around 2KGC's
This was great fun, gave me 31/32 A/D 45 OA 9 Magic
I found a Antisocial Removal Stone.
And around 2KGC's
Mixed EnE
Well, 1K Energy Essence mixed and now waiting to sell when Patriot gets himself online
Mixing these got me 31 Alch + A OA Level (No screenies... Sorry)
Time to think of a few projects in advance so I don't waste any time!
Mixing these got me 31 Alch + A OA Level (No screenies... Sorry)
Time to think of a few projects in advance so I don't waste any time!
Sold Enrichment Stone
Darkguard grabbed my enrichment stone for 12KGC - Taking my GC's in storage back up to 40KGC!
Monday, 7 March 2011
1K Energy Ess
Well Patriot wants 1K Energy Ess made, so I thought why not?
1000 Iron Ore [X] Harvested
1000 Silver Ore [X] Harvested
1000 Tiger Lilly [X] Harvested
300 Fruit [X] Harvested
Selling for 7gc each.
7KGC's Wahey!
1000 Iron Ore [X] Harvested
1000 Silver Ore [X] Harvested
1000 Tiger Lilly [X] Harvested
300 Fruit [X] Harvested
Selling for 7gc each.
7KGC's Wahey!
30 Alch
Well the 500 Health Ess for Desertstorm are now complete and they brought me in another Alchemy Level, and an enrichment stone from harvesting ings (as stated in earlier post)
Now I am back to square one in thinking of another project to start!
Now I am back to square one in thinking of another project to start!
PhysX found an Enrichment Stone
Well, nothing special but its my first stone find of the pk server :)
You started to harvest Silver Ore.
You started to harvest Silver Ore.
PhysX found an Enrichment Stone
You stopped harvesting.
MM - Silver Ore - Enrichment Stone #1
500 Health Ess
Well, Desertstorm is in need of some HE's so I thought why not make and sell them to her.
500 HE for 7gc each means i'll be making 3.5KGC's for this mini project.
500 Chrysanthemum [X] Harvested
1000 Silver Ore
200 Fruit [X] (In Sto)
I'll gain from this mini project
35000 Alchemy Exp
3,500 GC's
Some Harvesting Exp
500 HE for 7gc each means i'll be making 3.5KGC's for this mini project.
500 Chrysanthemum [X] Harvested
1000 Silver Ore
200 Fruit [X] (In Sto)
I'll gain from this mini project
35000 Alchemy Exp
3,500 GC's
Some Harvesting Exp
Finished Matter Ess
Well, my 4k Matter Ess are in storage now,
5159 Fire Essence
207 Health Essence
200 Life Essence
4000 Matter Essence
They will stay there till I get the magic level to cast shield. Then I'll take a few hours casting shield to power level my magic for a little while.
Making the Matter Ess was a good project for my alch level. 9 levels and a few OA's
5159 Fire Essence
207 Health Essence
200 Life Essence
4000 Matter Essence
They will stay there till I get the magic level to cast shield. Then I'll take a few hours casting shield to power level my magic for a little while.
Making the Matter Ess was a good project for my alch level. 9 levels and a few OA's
Sunday, 6 March 2011
1K Matter ESS
Well after a few days of harvesting, I've got the 5k ings I need, so just now to mix them.
Tonight I mixed 1k of them, and
Tonight I mixed 1k of them, and
Friday, 4 March 2011
Miner Rank 1/3
Well my Matter Ess ings are coming along well, and Thanks to the 5k Iron 5k Quartz 5k Rose Quartz I picked up this pop up as I started working on Blue Quartz!
Wednesday, 2 March 2011
4K Matter Ess
Well, I've got to get harvesting again, I am aiming to make 4K Matter Ess
So I'll need
5K Iron Ore [X]
5K Quartz [X]
5K Rose Quartz [X]
5K Blue Quartz [X]
So I'll need
5K Iron Ore [X]
5K Quartz [X]
5K Rose Quartz [X]
5K Blue Quartz [X]
20 Crafting
Well, 3000+ Thread mixed then sold and I finally reached my 2nd mixing level 20.
Now I need to think of a new project for me to do ;D FUN FUN FUN
Now I need to think of a new project for me to do ;D FUN FUN FUN
Tuesday, 1 March 2011
Thread Mix Begins!
Well after 2 days of harvesting I was surprised to be in the situation that I could now begin mixing 3K+ worth of thread, well I started mixing at 22:55 on the 01/03/2011 lets see when I finish shall we!
Books #2
Metal Smelting - 50gc
Silver Smelting - 500gc
Silver Medallion Building - 500gc
Jewlery Technology - 200gc
Gold Moulding - 1500gc
Metal Moulding - 500gc
Silver Moulding - 2000gc
Generic Medallions Building - 250gc
Gold Medallion Building - 500gc
Gold Mining - 1000gc
Crystal Processing - 50gc
Diamond Mining - 7500gc
Sapphire Mining - 10,000gc
Emeral Mining - 5000gc
Ruby Mining - 2500gc
Diamond Processing - 2000gc
Sapphire Processing - 2500gc
Emeral Processing - 5000gc
Ruby Processing - 1000gc
Silver Medallion Building - 500gc
Jewlery Technology - 200gc
Gold Moulding - 1500gc
Metal Moulding - 500gc
Silver Moulding - 2000gc
Generic Medallions Building - 250gc
Gold Medallion Building - 500gc
Crystal Processing - 50gc
Diamond Mining - 7500gc
Sapphire Mining - 10,000gc
Emeral Mining - 5000gc
Ruby Mining - 2500gc
Diamond Processing - 2000gc
Sapphire Processing - 2500gc
Emeral Processing - 5000gc
Ruby Processing - 1000gc
41,000GC's Needed!
Well I was in DP Cotton Patch harvesting for my level 20 crafting and along comes an ant while I was AFK Harvesting, I saw my character was in a fight so tried to flee but the ant killed me as I was naked, and I dropped my Excavator Cape.
So that's almost 3KGC spent that didn't really want to spend!
So that's almost 3KGC spent that didn't really want to spend!
Monday, 28 February 2011
Cotton Picking
Well a night of harvesting and I am 6661 Cotton closer to my 15,500!
I aim to have harvested it all in the next day or so and then mix it by weekend!
I aim to have harvested it all in the next day or so and then mix it by weekend!
Cotton Collection Begins
Well, after my FE Project, begins the 2nd of my mixing projects, 15500 cotton to mix into Thread.
Well my calculations tell me that I am going to have to walk from DP to VOTD Sto with a full inv of cotton 28.92 Times!
Well my calculations tell me that I am going to have to walk from DP to VOTD Sto with a full inv of cotton 28.92 Times!
20 Alch
Well, over 4000 FE made, 2 EFE and over a week spent harvesting the ings I have finally made the Alch level I was aiming for!
Well time to start the Cotton harvesting now then!
Well time to start the Cotton harvesting now then!
3rd EFE
Well as I was about to log off for the night I was making my last batch of FE, and out of the blue another EFE
Thats my 2nd EFE in a day!
Thats my 2nd EFE in a day!
19 Alch
Well after a while mixing I churned out another level, 9k EXP Till level 20!
During the mixing FE for level 19 I made a EFE which was sold almost instantly for 12.5k
The money will be in my storage till I find a good reason to depart with it.
During the mixing FE for level 19 I made a EFE which was sold almost instantly for 12.5k
The money will be in my storage till I find a good reason to depart with it.
Also the EFE is number 2 out of 5 for the achievement!
Sunday, 27 February 2011
Fire Ess
Well after a few hours of sitting down mixing, I gained a few Alch levels.
From 13-18 in a 3-4 hour session I don't think thats bad in my first 4 hours play from 2 months break almost!
From 13-18 in a 3-4 hour session I don't think thats bad in my first 4 hours play from 2 months break almost!
Saturday, 26 February 2011
Real Life
Well as most of you who play EL know sometimes real life can get in the way of the game, well and over the past 2 months or so, that has been my problem, real life. There's been a few problems which i will be keeping unspoken and for the time being I am now back and on the way to PK Server greatness :D hehe!
Well first night back, no time for slacking. So far I've harvested the rest of the sulphur for my alch level to reach 20 and began mixing!
What level I will get to tonight no body knows...
Well first night back, no time for slacking. So far I've harvested the rest of the sulphur for my alch level to reach 20 and began mixing!
What level I will get to tonight no body knows...
Sunday, 23 January 2011
Invasion And Harvesting
Well I am almost harvesting for hours on end now, collecting the FE ings that I need to take my alch to 20, but this has equalled in a few levels up and achievement teasers and completions.

Also I had fun killing a number of goblins in MM PL and NARA during the invasion that started when I logged in. No good drops but a few hundred plus gc's and a few bones and a attack level (sorry no screenshot)
I am still working on getting all my sulfur for the FE and then the fruit then find a nice sto to sit and mix for a few hours!
Friday, 21 January 2011
Level Boosting
Two projects I am working on at the moment are, Alchemy - 20, Crafting - 20
For this I will need to make,
4065 Fire Essence (More Ingredients To Make Up For Crits)
Ingredients needed
4500 - Red Rose [X] 4622 Red Rose
4500 - Red Snapdragons [X] 4648 Red Snapdragons harvested
4500 - Sulfur [X] 4553 Sulfur harvested
225 - Fruit [X]
3012 Thread (More Ingredients To Make Up For Crits)
Ingredients needed
15550 Cotton
250 - Fruit
Thursday, 20 January 2011
Advanced Alchemy
Metal Mining
Iron Mining
Silver Mining
Crystal Mining
Quartz Mining
Rose Quartz Mining
Blue Quartz Mining
Health Essence
All read - :D
Wednesday, 19 January 2011
I've been offline for a week but I will be back now I think unless rl causes problems again!
There will be a few updates as soon as I get back down to leveling and work out my aims etc.
Sunday, 16 January 2011
A Busy Day!
Today has been really busy, I've been sitting around all day mixing!

I then sat in TG Sto mixing FE and created a EFE!

Also I made enough gc off my thread to buy 40 padded leather torso's to do the quest in TG.
I sold my EFE for a nice 12,000 gold coins!
Novac gave me racoon's for my daily! took me around 10 minutes and resulted in,
Your overall level is now 30! You can go to the Wraith, and trade your additional pickpoints for attributes, nexuses and some perks.
You advanced to level 24 of attack!
You advanced to level 26 of defense!
Ignored by all skeletons now!
25 Defense
Saturday, 15 January 2011
1st Drop
After 72 Goblin's left lying dead on the floor of VOTD Gold Mine or Naralik's grass. I finally had my 1st drop, other than bones and gold coins. A nice shiny S2E dropped my way!
Need 2 Level
Well, I have done all I can do with Novac for now with my A/D I can't go onto next creature so I am stuck at the moment on the skeleton in PL mines.
Whilst looking for the large spider in Naralik,
You advanced to level 21 of attack!
Your overall level is now 28! You can go to the Wraith, and trade your additional pickpoints for attributes, nexuses and some perks.
You advanced to level 23 of defense!
Friday, 14 January 2011
"Indeed. I am trying to create a new potion, and I will need a few
different 'batches' of animals. The first batch is a brown rabbit, a
raccoon, a wolf, a red snake and a green snake. I have no idea where
they are, but those monsters are special, they tend to move a lot.
Sometimes they can even change continents, so make sure to look all
over the place. Come back when you got them all."
Still to get
Brown Rabbit
Red Snake
Green Snake
Also thanks to novac's hunting I gained a few levels.
20 Attack!

22 Defense!

2nd Level 20!
AFK Harvesting Cotton to mix into thread in PV my new home, and I came back to find this message at top of my screen.
You advanced to level 20 of harvesting!
I was unlucky to miss the leveling up so I missed the Screen-shot. That is now my 2nd level 20 along with my Defense level!
Also after turning alot of cotton into thread my crafting leveled to 14.
Slaughtering Goblins
Crafting Rank 10
Well PV Cotton for the 1st time was the place where a Crafting level or 10 to be exact where gained by me!
And I caught the milestone level on screen-shot, I will be trying to catch many milestone levels with a screen-shot (10,25) once above 25 I will be trying to catch most my levels on screen-shot

Thursday, 13 January 2011
TKN on PK Server
Well seeming I was a honourable member of the guild TKN - Templar Knights on the main server I spoke to their Guild Master at this time and we both decided that TKN should have some presence on the PK Server so that's where I come in, I aim to get the levels and gold coin's to make the guild as soon as I can!
I have made the forum page to see if anyone would want to join, when it is created!
I have made the forum page to see if anyone would want to join, when it is created!
On My Way To An Achievement
Well seeming as DP is PK on this server I have had to find a new crafting base and rest assured I have now claimed PV Cotton Field as mine, I will be surprised if I see many other characters here anytime soon! Well on my way to get the herbalist I achievement soon again, will keep you all updated!
Wednesday, 12 January 2011
The Beginning Of The PK Server
Well I think I won't be on the main EL Server for a long time, so decided to give the PK one a chance, and it doesn't look that bad it is mainly a lonely server so quite a lot of work for me to supply myself as no one will be selling the base ings of many items. I don't know how long I will be here for as I am waiting to get back into the main server (may be a few months or up to a year)
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